Coach Wim Demeere has over 35 years of martial arts and Combat Sports experience. He trained in numerous arts and styles over the years: Quinda, Sanda, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Shooto, Judo, Jiu Jitsu and many more. He lives in Belgium where he trains and teaches classes, seminars and private students.
MMA Formula is a labor of love, an independent site to bring you news, instructional content and much more on the sport. In mathematics, a “Formula” is an equation that shows how one amount depends on one or more other amounts. In short: how they interact with and influence eachother. On this site, we look at the components of MMA in the same way.
Given as there are already so many sites, video channels and podcasts about grappling, we chose to focus on the stand-up game and striking.